Alloway and Southern Ayrshire FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Robert Burns Cottage, Alloway, Ayr
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Friday 21 September 2007

20 Sep 2007 - "What's happening in ASAFHS?"

There's a lot more going on in ASAFHS than is visible at monthly meetings. This evening was an opportunity to hear from some of the members who beaver away behind the scenes: the audience were told how research enquiries were dealt with and how potential new members were encouraged join our Society; the organisation of the year's programme and extra-curricular activities was explained; links with other Family History Societies described, and a summary given of the wealth of research material, particularly for Ayrshire, which is available on our doorstep.

Finally - the highlight of the evening - our new Society website! The mastermind, John Weston, displayed the various pages for all to see. He emphasised the security aspect, explained the new PayPal system and encouraged his audience to see the full potential of this form of communication now available to us. Launched within the last 24 hours, the site has already had several 'hits' and the Members' Interests feature generated its first query at 2.12 a.m.!

Thanks go to Andrew and Sheila Dinwoodie, Iain Mathieson and Sheila Murray (in absentia) and Sheena Harling for their presentations, and to John Weston for all the time, effort and vision he has expended on our new website.

Sheila Dinwoodie

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